A list of local doctors is available from your nearest library, the NHS Direct website (or from your landlord if you are still living in accommodation provided by the UKBA).

Local NHS Services can be found by searching on the NHS Choices website.

Make sure that you choose a doctor near where you live. You can also choose a woman GP if you prefer. If you do not speak enough English, tell the receptionist you need an interpreter when you are making an appointment to see your GP.

To register with a GP, you will need to show your grant of status letter from the UKBA, your Immigration Status Document or Biometric Residence Permit if you have it, and, if possible, a proof of your address. A doctor’s surgery will generally only accept people who are living or staying in their local area.

If you have a problem registering with your GP please contact us so we can help you with the process.

After you register, you will be given a comprehensive health check by a nurse at the surgery. Once you are registered with a GP, you can make appointments to see them at the surgery.


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